Networking and entrepreneurial orientation in internationalization of ...

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The Research paper "Networking and entrepreneurial orientation in internationalization of small-and medium sized enterprises: A two case study of Ostrobothnia company in Finland" was published in Marketing Science & Inspirations Vol 15, Issue 3, 2020.

The objective of this paper is to gain an increased understanding of how networking and entrepreneurial orientations facilitate internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study is a qualitative research and the research is drawn upon findings of a sample of two SMEs located in Ostrobothnia, Finland. A qualitative data is gathered through personal interview with managers of the enterprises. The study has shown importance of networking and entrepreneurial orientations for understanding internationalization pattern of small and medium size enterprises. My findings suggest that in order to be successful in international markets enterprises need to consider components of entrepreneurial orientations which are reflected by the two case enterprises in their internationalization. Furthermore, success of the enterprises depends largely on the ability of the companies to relate entrepreneurial orientation and networking in facilitating internationalization of the companies.



Rosmeriany Nahan-Suomela