Serie R: Research & Development Report 2023

Rapporten har publicerats i Novias publikationsserie R Rapporter.
- Resilience - In real life
- NorNa - Nordic natural fibres in circular economy
- Lill-Nägels agroforestry pilot project
- Agrolog och skogsbruksingenjör 2028 - Österbotten
- A Wetland map for Western Uusimaa
- Building permanent and internal spatial competence within Novia
- GEOICT4e-Geospatial tools and methods for sustainability and employability
- Climate change and plankton eco-physiology ECO-physiological responses of marine biota to warming waters and ocean acidification - focus on benthicpelagic coupling
- Bumblebees in Finnish agricultural landscapes
- Modellering av storskarvars födosökningsområden med hjälp av GPSuppföljning
- LES 2.0. Road to the environmental democracy through investigation of relationships with the environment
- Red-throated Divers and offshore windfarms Personnel Publications, presentations and media apperances
- Funding
About the publication
Heidi Barman-Geust (edit), Novia University of Applied Sciences, Research & Development Report 2023. Faculty of Bioeconomy
Publisher: Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Wolffskavägen 33, 65200 Vasa, Finland © Yrkeshögskolan Novia and Heidi Barman-Geust
Novia Publikation och produktion, serie R: Rapporter 2 / 2024
ISSN: 1799-4179 ISBN: 978-952-7526-37-8 (online)
CC BY 4.0
Heidi Barman-Geust