Serie R: Methodology for Land Suitability Analysis

"Methodology for Land Suitability Analysis: Mapping of Suitable areas for growing Early-potato, Apples, Pastures (Grazing Land) and Cultural Grains in Uusimaa" was published in Novia's own publications series R: Rapporter.
This document describes a methodology integrating Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and a Multi-criteria Evaluation (MCE) applied to the identification of suitable areas for growing earlypotatoes, apples, pastures (grazing land) and cultural grains. These crops are within the range of crops that can be cultivated in Uusimaa and reinforce a sustainable food- system and the local economy. The analysis and classification of the fields is divided in three categories: highly suitable areas, acceptable areas, and areas with low suitability for the cultivation of the crops mentioned above. The criteria for analysing each crop can be different, but they all relate to soil and climate conditions. These soil and climate aspects are adapted from studies with similar approach and conditions. The literature helps to identify the type of data needed and to set threshold values for the criteria. The importance of each criterion in the analysis might vary from crop to crop. For instance, one crop can tolerate colder temperatures than others, in this case, temperature as a parameter does not have the same weight in the prioritisation process. The value of certain parameter is given according to the needs of that crop. The GIS software is used to process all input data and to standardise variables of different scales. The resulting fields are preferably displayed in a traffic-light classification. Ideally, one map per crop. The type of data, its processing and sources, the parameters/criteria will be explained further down in this document.
Eduardo Grisales-Jaramillo, Novia University of Applied Sciences Methodology for Land Suitability Analysis: Mapping of Suitable areas for growing Early-potato, Apples, Pastures (Grazing Land) and Cultural Grains in Uusimaa
Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Wolffskavägen 31, 65200 Vasa, Finland © Yrkeshögskolan Novia och Eduardo Grisales-Jaramillo,
NoviaPublikation och produktion, serie R: Rapporter 9/2022
ISBN 978-952-7048-89-4 (Online)
ISSN: 1799- 4179
CC BY 4.0