Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification

Anteckning 2020 06 16 154922

The article "Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification" was published in Scientific Reports; 9, Article number: 4748 (2019)  and can be found here >>


We compare physiological responses of the crustacean copepod Calanus pacificus and pelagic pteropod mollusk Limacina helicina to ocean temperatures and pH by measuring biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidant defences, and the activity of the respiratory electron transport system in organisms collected on the 2016 West Coast Ocean Acidification cruise in the California Current System. Copepods and pteropods exhibited strong but divergent responses in the same habitat; copepods had higher oxygen-reactive absorbance capacity, glutathione-S-transferase, and total glutathione content. The ratio between reduced to oxidised glutathione was higher in copepods than in pteropods, indicating lower oxidative stress in copepods. Pteropods showed higher activities of glutathione reductase, catalase, and lipid peroxidation, indicating increased antioxidant defences and oxidative stress. Thus, the antioxidant defence system of the copepods has a greater capacity to respond to oxidative stress, while pteropods already face severe stress and show limited capacity to deal with further changes. The results suggest that copepods have higher adaptive potential, owing to their stronger vertical migration behaviour and efficient glutathione metabolism, whereas pteropods run the risk of oxidative stress and mortality under high CO2 conditions. Our results provide a unique dataset and evidence of stress-inducing mechanisms behind pteropod ocean acidification responses.

Photo: (Fig1) Overview map of the study area showing location and station number of WCOA2016 sampling stations. Copepods and pteropods were sampled for biomarkers at stations represented by empty circles and crosses, respectively. A circle with a cross inside means that both copepods and pteropods were collected at the station. Offshore stations (>200 m water depth) are red, and onshore stations (

Engström-Öst, J. (Novia); Glippa, O.; Feely, R. A.; Kanerva, M.; Keister, J. E.; Alin, S. R.; Carter, B. R.; McLaskey, A. K.; Vuori, K. A.; Bednarsek, N.