Publish on Novialia
Do you want to tell your colleagues, study buddies, or partners about what you’re working on? Do you want to share your knowledge or the experiences and thoughts you’ve gathered during your time at Novia? Then you are welcome to write for Novialia!
This site gathers everything we publish and produce. It includes material published in Novia’s own publication and production series and material that Novians have published through other media or various blogs.
On Novialia, the articles are mainly peer-reviewed. The exception is the blogs and podcasts, which are specifically marked if they are reviewed posts. Material in Novia’s own publication series (including blogs) is reviewed and approved by Novia’s editorial board.
Novialia is a collection site for all types of material related to Novia.
If you want to produce a blog, podcast, vlog, or similar for entertainment purposes, read more under “Blog or Vlog”. If you want to produce material to be published in Novia’s series, please read on under the “Instructions” tab. Then contact your institutional editor to consider how you could set up your work. Consider the following questions:
- Target audience. Who do you want to reach with your material?
- How do you best reach the audience: is it worth writing in Swedish, English, or maybe Finnish?
- Angle and delimit your area! This also makes it clear whether you should aim to produce a blog post, article, or perhaps a podcast.
- Do you want your material to be published in Novia’s series, or do you want to write an independent text?
Types of Material
You can angle your work in several ways, for example, as a text aimed at experts, a text that encourages discussion, or a text that highlights a specific phenomenon or your/your students’ expertise. In Novia’s own series, there are several different options:
- To make posts in the discussion among experts.
- Can also be popular science articles or columns aimed at a broader audience.
- Texts are often illustrated with examples, pictures, and links.
- About development and research projects, monographs, compilations that have been edited or translated.
- Contains an analysis of an event or a theme.
- Presents fact-based knowledge from our employees or our students.
- Primarily includes results from artistic activities but also results of development projects in the form of non-traditional reports such as posters, films, music, or portfolios.
- Productions can also be books or other written works in combination with art.
- Highlights the professional expertise of our employees or students.
Teaching Materials
Can be, for example, teaching materials, manuals, and guides in the form of text, games, or videos.
Student Works
For example, articles or reports, written within the framework of studies and in collaboration with the teacher.
Blogs, Podcasts, Vlogs, and Videos
About a current topic related to Novia’s activities.
- The blog may highlight a collaboration with one of our partners or deal with topics of interest to the community builder role of the university of applied sciences.
- A student blog can be about, for example, an exchange abroad, an internship period, or used as a diary for a course.
- A blog/vlog/podcast published in Novia’s series is based on a script approved by the editorial board. In such cases, the material must be produced by a Novian, but the Novian does not need to be the one speaking, for example, if it is a podcast.
- A blog/podcast can be marketed as such without being a publication, i.e., a reviewed material.
Travel Accounts
Material from international activities coordinated by Novia, usually a shorter text that covers about two pages of text and images.
Blog or Vlog on Novialia
Are you a student or do you work at Novia and are interested in blogging on Novialia? Are you about to go on an internship, exchange, or similar, are you working with an interesting process? We are happy to publish a series of blogs on various topics. The blogs can be time-limited, for example, during a project period, an exchange abroad, or similar.
Do you already have your own blog about your studies or your job that you want to give greater distribution by also being readable on the university of applied sciences’ own portal?
Email us at novialia@novia.fi, and we will contact you.
Submit Material
If the material is to be published in Novia’s own series, or in a peer-reviewed blog, contact your faculty editor.
If you want to publish material that is not part of Novia’s series, such as a blog that is not peer-reviewed, contact Caroline Lång, who is the administrator for Novialia (caroline.lang@novia.fi).
When your material is published on Novialia, you will receive a message from us. Then please share your material on social media and follow up if discussions arise around your post.
Have you published material outside of Novia’s series? When you as an employee have reported your material in Justus, we will upload it to Novialia. However, this happens with some delay. If you want to promote your material on Novialia as soon as it has been published, then contact Novialia’s administrator.