The Crucial Role of Support Services at Novia UAS for International Students

Granskat inlägg - Reviewed post
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Authors: Yadu Nanda Shrestha, MBA; Reija Anckar, Ph.D. (Econ.) Head of Master’s Degree Programme in Business, Service Design at Novia University of Applied Sciences

This blog explores the critical function of support services, concentrating on the ways in which Novia University of Applied Sciences (Novia UAS) acknowledges and responds to the many needs of its community of international students. 

Starting an educational trip abroad is an exciting experience, but it has its own set of difficulties. It can be quite difficult for overseas students to adjust to a new culture, deal with the complexities of academia, and make the transition go well.

The study conducted by Martirosyan, Bustamantea, and Saxona, published in the Journal of International Students (Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019), accentuates the indispensable role of academic and social support services for international students. Focused on the top 20 U.S. universities with substantial international enrollment, the research underscores the importance of these services in the face of geopolitical changes affecting student applications (Martirosyan et al., 2019). For U.S. institutions, prioritizing effective support systems is not only strategic but also ethically imperative for fostering student success and integration, contributing to a more inclusive academic community. The study suggests that understanding and implementing robust support services are crucial amid observed declines in international student applications and enrollments, potentially influenced by changes in immigration policies and geopolitical factors (Martirosyan et al., 2019). This proactive approach not only aids in attracting and retaining international students but also aligns with the commitment to creating an environment that supports the diverse needs of all students (Martirosyan et al., 2019).

Universities utilize their websites as a pivotal means of communication with students, serving as the face of the institution and a comprehensive representation of its culture, values, and vision (Karani, Thanki, & Achuthan, 2021). The significance of a university's website extends beyond mere information dissemination, impacting overall satisfaction among its users. A study by Karani, Thanki, and Achuthan (2021) investigates the relationship between the usability of university websites and user satisfaction, employing a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. Published online on February 19, 2021, the research offers valuable insights into the intricate dynamics between website usability and user satisfaction in the context of higher education.

Research Design

In Yadu Nanda Shrestha’s thesis the research was finding answer to three questions:

  1. To what extent do the current support structures adequately address the needs of international students?
  2. What difficulties do international students encounter most frequently, and how are these difficulties handled by support services?
  3. What can be done to enhance the support services offered to international students in order to better serve this population’s needs?

Through the lens of Design Thinking, the research delved into the Empathize, Ideate, Prototype, and Test phases to gather insights, generate solutions, create a prototype, and validate proposed

improvements. The research included documented interviews with staff members of Novia UAS, a questionnaire to Novia students, and a co-creation workshop, to name a few of the methods and tools.

The Importance of Support Services

Novia UAS, a renowned and vibrant university, is aware that international students' journeys take them beyond the classroom. It entails extensive support services that lead pupils through the maze of obstacles like a compass. These programs, which include anything from cultural integration to academic support, set the groundwork for achievement and personal development.

The Novia UAS Group's Dedication to Quality

At Novia UAS, fostering a supportive environment and a dedication to excellence go hand in hand. The basic values of the institution—competence, engagement, and sustainability—address comprehensive student well-being in addition to academic matters. Novia UAS is committed to adapting its support services to meet the needs of its global students as they change.

All-inclusive Support Ecosystem

Novia UAS offers support services that go above and beyond standard help. Novia UAS guarantees a comprehensive support ecosystem, including pre-arrival information, application and registration information, transportation details, advice on accommodations, job help, academic assistance, career counselling, network building and even a shopping guide. These programs support students' general adjustment to life and culture as well as their academic performance since they understand that every aspect of their trip matters.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

Developing a sense of belonging is a crucial result of successful support services. Novia UAS places  strong emphasis on creating a welcoming environment since it recognizes the particular difficulties faced by international students. This community improves the entire educational experience for students since it is based on understanding and connection.

The Landing Page Redesign and Research Results

However, the study done, and the conclusions drawn from Yadu Nanda Shrestha's Master of Business Administration (UAS) thesis on International Student Support Services at Novia University of Applied Sciences show that there is a disconnect between the wealth of information available and the support services that Novia UAS offers. Although it's a great idea to have orientation before arrival, students may find it difficult to locate all of this valuable information on the internet. The study recommends rebuilding the landing page and putting all the important information up front. Pre-arrival information, travel and accommodation advice, career and academic support, application procedures, and tools for cultural adjustment are all included in this. The goal of the revamped landing page is to close the gap and make sure that overseas students can easily access


In summary, the success of international students at Novia UAS is closely linked to the efficiency of the school's support systems. Although Novia UAS deserves praise for its dedication to comprehensive student development, the process is far from over. The effort to redesign the landing page based on research shows a commitment to ongoing development. Novia UAS aims to make the educational experience for overseas students not only thrilling, but also extraordinarily fulfilling by placing a high value on accessibility and openness. The redesigned landing page is evidence of Novia UAS's dedication to helping each international student reach their greatest potential as the school develops.



  • Karani, A., Thanki, H., & Achuthan, S. (2021). Impact of University Website Usability on Satisfaction: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach.46(2),
  • Martirosyan, N. M., Bustamantea, R. M., & Saxona, D. P. (2019). Academic and Social Support Services for International Students: Current Practices. Journal of International Students, 9(1), 172–191.
  • DOI: 10.32674/jis.v9i1.275
  • Shrestha, Y. N. (2023). International Students Support Services in Novia University of Applied Science. Thesis for a Master of Business Administration (UAS)- Degree, The Degree Programme of Service Design, Turku, Finland.


The blogpost has been reviewed by Novia's editorial board and accepted for publication on 19.12.2023.

Granskat Novias redaktionsrad

Yadu Nanda Shrestha, Reija Anckar
Reviewed post, Service Design, International Students, Support Services

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